16 Signs You May Have HIV Without Knowing – If You Notice Number 14 or 6, Please Visit Your Doctor
Signs You May Have H.I.V Without Knowing – About 36.7 million people worldwide are currently living with H.I.V, and 1.8 million of those infected are children who contracted the disease from their mothers according to AIDS.gov. A shocking one in eight people who have AIDS do not even know they have it yet – are you one of them? While there is no cure for H.I.V AIDS, if detected early on, antiretroviral treatments, or ART, can keep the disease at bay and allow carriers to lead a fairly normal life. The only way to know for sure whether you have contracted H.I.V is to be tested for it. Here Are Signs You May Have HIV Without Knowing 1. Fever One of the first signs of ARS might be a mild fever, up to about 102 degrees F. In case you experience the fever, you may also often experience other generally mellow side-effects, such as sore throat, swelling of the lymph organs, weakness etc. 2. Fatigue One of the inflammatory responses of your overwhelmed immune system ...